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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Making Money On The Internet [Part 4]

  • Today we will be talking about one of the most well known and used Ptc sites called Neobux. I've been a member of this site for several months now and have made some profit butthe one thing that you have to keep in mind with neobux is that your potential earnings acheivedare based on how well that your able to maintain different aspects of your account such as,rented referrals,personals clicks,upgrades to make more,etc.Neobux is free to join and earn money and does not require you to invest money to earn although most people that become members upgrade to at least a gold membership as quickly as possible to make more money.
  • Also some members use money that is earned from the site by clicking ads to buy rented referrals or towards the golden membership upgrade cost.Which ever route you decide to take one of the most important factors to keep in mind if you want to succeed and earn some money is the maintaining of all aspects of your account. My advice for new members would be to make sure you click each and everyday at the appropriate time and if your going to invest in rented referrals from your own pocket do not buy high amounts of rented referrals all at once because the upkeep is demanding in as such as you have to keep an eye on their click averages every couple of days to make sure that their making a profit for you and not a loss of profit from them instead. Also I would upgrade as soon as you can to at least the golden membership and establish your account from that point on.

  • All in all Neobux is a successful ptc site that you can make money with if you understand the principals of balancing your account and not moving forward to fast. It offers you the option of renting referrals or obtaining direct referrals for your account.Direct referral limits are based on account types. Cashout payment requests are sent instantly once a week thru Paypal, Alertpay or Neteller.To view pay per click amounts paid and other info just visit the sites homepage of which you can access from my favorite Ptc sites links.I give this trusted ptc site a rating of 8 on a scale of  1 to 10.


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